Social Media Policy


Spokane Transit Authority (STA) has an interest in providing timely, helpful and relevant information to its customers and the public.ย  In that interest, STA may utilize existing and emerging social media platforms to provide such information, as well as to interact with the public.ย  STA social media platforms shall comply with STA policies, procedures, and standards.ย  Washington state law, local and county law, and relevant STA records retention schedules apply to all social media content.ย  This policy applies to STA employees and STA appointed vendors and establishes guidelines for the use of social media platforms created and maintained by STA.ย  This policy should be incorporated by express reference into STA contracts with outside vendors or consultants, provided the terms of the contract shall govern when a conflict in terms arises.

The STA Board authorizes the Chief Executive Officer to develop and administer procedures for continued compliance of this policy and with any changes in applicable local, state and federal laws.ย 

Chief Executive Officer E. Susan Meyer (signature on file) on July 31, 2020

State of Washington Public Records Act

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