STA FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Connect Fare System
Employer smart card programs can transition to the new Connect card system as early as October. Current employer smart cards will continue to work until STA has worked with the employer to transition their employees to the new card system.
The fares at colleges will continue to work the same after October 1, 2022, until the school has made a plan to switch to the new system. After October 1, colleges will be coordinating with STA to determine the timing for switching over to the new Connect system and will make an announcement on when that switch will occur.
Paratransit customers can use the STA Connect app to manage their Connect account, add payment options, and set up autoload options for their physical Connect card. They can also view their fare capping progress. However, Paratransit customers cannot use an eConnect card in the app.
All Paratransit customers will receive a Connect card eventually. If you do not want to wait for yours in the mail you can buy a Connect card online, at STA Plaza, or over the phone at (509) 328-RIDE (7433).
Initially, you will not be charged for your first Connect card through April 30, 2023, and then will be charged $5 for the Connect card starting March 1, 2023.
No, Paratransit customers do not have to tap their Connect card to pay. A Connect card can be linked to the Paratransit account and will serve as a Paratransit ID.
Yes, a Connect card can be linked to the Paratransit account and will serve as a Paratransit ID. If you purchase your Connect card at STA Plaza or order one online, make sure you call Paratransit to link your Connect card to your Paratransit account. (509) 328-1552, TTY 711.
Your legacy smart card will continue to work until the value or passes on it are depleted. However, you cannot load additional passes or value to your legacy smart card. Once your smart card is empty, you will need to get a Connect card to replace your smart card.
Legacy paper passes will continue to work until the value on them is depleted.
When you register a Rider’s License or SPS Connect card with an account, there is no need to add value to the card. The card will show “low balance” and an option to add value to the card, but no value will need to be added.
Customers can lock a card linked to their Connect account through the STA Connect website or mobile app. Alternatively, a Connect card can be locked or unlocked by calling Customer Service at (509) 328-RIDE (7433), TTY 711. The customer must have previously registered the card with Customer Service or be able to provide the 20-digit card number.*
If a Connect card has been lost, please contact Customer Service to check if it has been returned to lost and found.
If the Connect card cannot be recovered, a replacement can be purchased for $1 online or for free at STA’s Customer Service & Security counter. If the Connect card was added to a Connect account, the balance could be recovered and added to the replacement Connect card.
Watch a video on how to lock and replace your card on the account website.
*In the event a Connect card is lost and needs to be replaced, fare capping will be restarted for the month.
A physical Connect card and virtual eConnect card cannot be linked.
If a rider uses both a physical Connect card and an eConnect card, the two cards will have separate balances and fare capping totals. They can be managed under the same account but have different card numbers and pins.
Watch a video on how to create an eConnect card here.
As long as a rider has logged into the app within the last seven days and the app was open before the phone lost service, it will generate a QR code even if the phone does not have a service or internet connection.
If a Connect card stops working or is damaged, a replacement can be purchased for $5 at STA Plaza or online to be delivered by mail.
The Connect card balance could be recovered and added to the replacement card, if the card is linked to a Connect account, registered with Customer Service, or the customer is able to provide the 20-digit card number.
An eConnect card can be created in the STA Connect App on iOS or Android. Once the app is installed and you are logged in, click the plus sign in the middle of the screen, then select “Create eConnect Card.”
If you already have a physical Connect card on your account, swipe left and click “Add Card,” and select “Create eConnect Card.”
Watch a video on how to create an eConnect card here.
A physical Connect card can be linked to a Connect account by signing in, visiting “My Cards,” clicking “Add Card,” and entering the card’s number and pin.
This allows you to protect the balance on your card if it is lost, damaged or stolen.
Linking a card to a Connect account provides the following self-service functions:
- View fare capping progress
- Add money or passes
- Start, pause or stop autoload
- Lock and replace lost or stolen cards
- Manage payment methods
- View and export card activity, including ride history
- View account activity and download receipts
Watch a video on how to link a physical card in the STA Connect app or on the account website.
The balance on your card can be quickly and easily reviewed when the card is linked to a Connect account online or in the STA Connect App.
If a rider chooses not to link the card to an account, the balance can be checked on the website under “reload card” or in the app when using it as a guest. You can also check your balance at STA Plaza or by calling Customer Service at (509) 328-RIDE (7433), TTY 711.
If the balance is $5 or less, the farebox validator will display a “low balance” message. If the card balance is too low to pay the fare, the farebox validator will deny the card.
If you are having difficulty getting your eConnect QR code to scan from the app on your phone, please try these tips in order to scan your QR code:
- Make sure your screen is at 100% brightness
- Turn off any blue light filters that may be on
- Keep a distance of 4 inches or more between scanner and phone. If the phone is too close, it moves out of the focus area of the scanner and the field of view gets too small for the entire barcode.
- Hold the phone at a slight angle (~10-30 degrees) instead of flat below the scanner. This avoids reflections of the barcode scanner’s illumination or other light sources overhead being projected at the scanner.
- (Slowly) move the phone while holding it under the scanner instead of holding it still. This will move reflections along the screen, and at some point clear of the area where the barcode is.
Riders are not required to link their Connect card to a Connect account, but STA encourages riders to do this to take advantage of many self-service options, including:
- View fare capping progress
- Add money or passes
- Start, pause or stop autoload
- Lock and replace lost or stolen cards
- Manage payment methods
- View and export card activity
- View account activity and download receipts
In the event that an unlinked or unregistered Connect card is lost or stolen, the balance is not protected and cannot be replaced.
STA uses rider data to in accordance to our Privacy Policy. Unless a user consents to such distribution, STA will not sell, lease, or give away personally identifiable information to other governments, organizations, or private businesses within the limits of the law.
When signed in to the Connect account website, autoload can be found under “My Cards” and “Manage This Card”. Click the “Turn On Autoload” button and enter an amount of value you would like loaded to the card when it reaches a balance of $5 or less.
In the STA Connect App, “Turn On Autoload” can be found in the middle of the home screen under the “Passes” button.
Autoload can also be paused for a defined date range on the website or app.
Watch a video on how to turn on autoload in the STA Connect app or on the account website.
Yes, fare capping can be viewed on the Connect account through the STA Connect App or Connect account website.
In the app, on the home page, click “Fare Capping.” When logged in on the website, click “My Cards,” and under “Manage This Card,” click “Fare Capping.”
If a card is not linked to a Connect account, customers may call Customer Service at (509) 328-RIDE (7433), TTY 711 to request the card’s fare capping progress.
Watch a video on how to track your fare capping progress in the STA Connect app or on the account website.
STA accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover at STA Plaza and online in the STA Connect App or Connect account website. Please note, EBT is no longer accepted as fare payment at STA Plaza.
Only one eConnect card can be created per customer account.
Watch a video on how to create an eConnect card here.
When signing in to a Connect account on the STA Connect App, an account can only be signed in to one device at a time.
If a phone is dead, a rider will not be able to access their eConnect card. Please be mindful of your phone’s charge when planning to ride the bus.
The STA Connect App is available on iOS or Android phones at this time. The app is not available on tablets, watches and other devices.
Fare capping is only available when using a Connect card. When you purchase a pass with cash on the bus, it does not count towards your fare capping total.
STA encourages cash users to add their money to a Connect card to benefit from fare capping savings. Cash can be added to a Connect card at STA Plaza or at participating retail locations.
No, however, STA encourages you to link your Connect card to a Connect account to protect your balance in the case it is damaged, lost or stolen.
A Connect card is required to access fare capping, but you do not have to link your card to a Connect account to get the benefit of fare capping.
Fare capping applies to one Connect card for one rider. If an account has more than one Connect card, each card has a separate balance and fare capping total.
If a rider uses both a physical Connect card and an eConnect card, the two cards will have separate balances and fare capping totals. The two types of cards cannot be linked.
Watch a video on how to track your fare capping progress in the STA Connect app or on the account website.
The legacy 31 Day Pass and 7-Day pass will still be available for purchase at select retail locations. STA has not determined a sunset date when those passes will be discontinued through retail locations.
Fare capping will replace the legacy Day Pass and 31 Day Pass. When the cap for the day is reached, unlimited rides for the day cost the same as a Day Pass would have ($4 or $2 for reduced fare). When the cap for the month is reached, unlimited rides for the month cost the same as a 31 Day Pass would have ($60 or $30 for Reduced Fare).
Yes, 31 Day Passes (Adult, Youth and Reduced Fare) as well as 7-Day pass will be sold at select retail locations. A sunset date for paper passes available through participating retail outlets has not been determined.
Paper passes (with the exception of 7-day issued on a limited use paper ticket) are no longer available through Customer Service at STA Plaza.
Connect cards are available to purchase now at STA Plaza or online by mail through the STA Connect account website or the STA Connect App on iOS or Android.
Riders can pay cash to ride the bus without using a Connect card. However, STA encourages cash users to add their money to a Connect card so that they have the opportunity to benefit from daily and monthly fare capping savings. Cash can be added to a Connect card at STA Plaza or at a participating retail location.
A Connect card can only be validated at the fare box once, so a rider cannot tap their card and then hand it to another person to use directly after it has been validated.
An eConnect card can only be linked to one Connect account and the STA Connect App can only be logged in on one device at a time.
STA does not refund fares after they have been purchased.
Value can be added to a Connect card on the STA Connect account website, on the STA Connect App, at STA Plaza or at participating retail locations. When reloading your Connect card, the reload amount must be in whole dollar increments.
Riders can add value in these ways, with or without linking their card to a Connect account. However, STA encourages you to link your Connect card to a Connect account or register it with customer service to protect your balance in the case it is damaged, lost or stolen.
Watch a video on how to add value to your card on the account website here.
Customers may pay their fare with a Connect card, eConnect card, legacy paper passes, a barcoded paper ticket from a ticket vending machine, limited use passes distributed through institution and group sales partners or with cash. STA also accepts contactless payments with Visa, Mastercard, and Discover card. The same card types can also be used through Apple Pay or Google Pay.
If you are paying your fare on the bus with cash, you must have the exact change.
Please note, EBT is no longer accepted as fare payment at STA Plaza. STA accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover at STA Plaza and online in the STA Connect App or Connect account website.
UTAP programs will continue to work the same. Single-use passes will be available as a Day Pass, 7-Day Pass, and 1-Ride Pass which is good for a two-hour window.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and STA’s Rules of Conduct, when a customer establishes a pattern or practice of No-Shows for Paratransit trips, he/she risks suspension from service for a period of time.
A pattern or practice of No-Shows is automatically established when a customer fails to cancel three (3) or more trips during a monthly period and has been charged a No-Show for 10% or more of his/her trips for the month.
To review the entire No-Show Policy, click here.
Fares & Passes
Yes, a Connect card can be linked to the Paratransit account and will serve as a Paratransit ID. If you purchase your Connect card at STA Plaza or order one online, make sure you call Paratransit to link your Connect card to your Paratransit account. (509) 328-1552, TTY 711.
Paratransit is a wheelchair-accessible shared ride transportation service for individuals whose disability prevents them from using the regular fixed route buses. This means that a person must be unable, because of a disability, to get to or from the bus stop, get on or off a lift or ramp equipped bus, or successfully travel by bus to or from the destination. To find out more, view the Paratransit Eligibility page.
Eligibility is based on limitations to an individual’s abilities, not just the presence of a disability. Age or the inability to drive are not qualifying factors in and of themselves. All of Spokane Transit’s regular buses are fully accessible and equipped with ramps in order to board passengers who use wheelchairs.
If your trip begins early in the morning or ends late at night, ask the Paratransit Reservationists to help you identify the corresponding pick-up/drop-off times that will most closely meet your travel needs. Call 509-328-1552 for trip reservations.
Please note that your reservation times also will depend on the length of your trip. Paratransit hours of service are comparable to the bus routes hours of service, as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Holiday service is the same as Sunday service. Learn more here.
NEW TECHNOLOGY: Use your smart phone to receive real time arrival and departure times for Paratransit rides. Get signed up with Pass Web.
Spokane Transit provides a Paratransit Rider Handbook with all the information our paratransit passengers need. View the handbook online or request a hard copy from us at 509-328-1552 or by sending us a message here.
Paratransit users may now cancel a trip up to ONE (1) hour before your scheduled pick-up time. Please continue to make trip cancellations as far in advance as possible by calling 509-328-1552.
An application for service is required. The application includes a section for verification of your disability from a licensed medical or mental health professional.
It is necessary to complete an application form if you wish to use the paratransit vans. You may obtain an application here, by calling 509-328-1552 or by writing to:
Paratransit Applications
Spokane Transit
1230 W Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
An applicant will receive an eligibility determination within 21 days of completing the eligibility process. Recertification of eligibility will occur periodically.
Single-ride fare for paratransit is $2.00 each way. Paratransit customers are welcome to schedule a guest (or guests if space is available) to bring on a trip. Each guest also pays $2.00 each way. Paratransit customers may register to bring a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) on a trip. PCAs ride free.
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and STA’s Rules of Conduct, when a customer establishes a pattern or practice of No-Shows for Paratransit trips, he/she risks suspension from service for a period of time.
A pattern or practice of No-Shows is automatically established when a customer fails to cancel three (3) or more trips during a monthly period and has been charged a No-Show for 10% or more of his/her trips for the month.
To review the entire No-Show Policy, click here.
Riders can pay the fare using cash or a Connect card. For information about the different fare options currently available, visit here or call the customer service department at 509-456-7277 or TTY: Relay 711.
Click the link to view a map of the current Paratransit Service Area. Spokane Transit Paratransit service is only provided inside the Paratransit Service Area. If you are unsure if your current address is inside the Service Area, call 509-325-6052 for information. Paratransit eligibility is not based on your address. Even if your current residence is outside the Service Area, you may still meet the eligibility requirements for Paratransit. You would be able to use Paratransit for all eligible trips that begin and end within the Service Area.
All Paratransit trips must begin and end within the Paratransit Service Area. At present, this includes most of the areas in the cities of Cheney, Medical Lake, Airway Heights, Liberty Lake, Millwood, Spokane, and Spokane Valley. Fairchild Air Force Base and Spokane International Airport also are served.
The Paratransit service area is comparable to the area served by the regular, fixed-route bus system and conforms to the Americans with Disabilities Act. The service area is a corridor whose width extends ¾ of a mile on each side of and around each fixed route. However, the Paratransit service area never extends beyond Spokane Transit’s official boundary – the Public Transportation Benefit Area.
Each year, Spokane Transit evaluates the regular fixed-route service and makes changes. Changes that increase or decrease the areas served by the fixed-route buses will be mirrored by changes to the Paratransit service area. Hours of service may change only when the hours of fixed route service increase or decrease. To view the most recent or upcoming changes to fixed route service, visit or call 509-328-RIDE (7433) for more information.
Rideshare drivers are volunteers from the Rideshare group. Each group requires a minimum of two drivers, one primary, and at least one backup. Ideally, multiple drivers can share the duty so the group can have a great, stress-free commute.
Becoming a driver is fairly simple. You will submit a driver’s application, a copy of your driver’s license, and your driving record. We will then review your application, if your record is clean and you meet our driver guidelines, we will assign you an online defensive driving course that takes about an hour and a half to complete. Finally, you’ll agree to our policies and procedures, then be approved to drive off in your cool Rideshare vehicle!
To get started, follow these steps:
1. Complete and submit the following forms:
- Driver’s Application (available online here)
- Rider Agreement (available online here)
2. Request a copy of your driving record:
- For Washington State licensed drivers, request a copy of your driving record through the WA State Department of Licensing’s website.
- For Idaho licensed drivers, we can assist with obtaining your driving record. Please contact Rideshare staff here and move to the next step.
3. Scan or snap a photo of your driver’s license
4. Once you’ve completed these steps, send the documents to and let us know you’d like to be a driver. We will work through the rest of the process with you by email.
Maintenance is a joint effort between the rideshare group and Spokane Transit. The primary driver completes daily, weekly and monthly inspections and all riders should report anything unusual. Spokane Transit’s Maintenance Department performs the van’s routine preventive service every 4,000 miles and handles emergencies as they arise.
Yes. Many of our Rideshare groups operate on a 4/10 or 9/80 compressed work-week schedule.
Insurance is covered in the monthly fee. Spokane Transit purchases its insurance coverage through the Washington State Transit Insurance Pool (WSTIP).
Payment of the monthly fare reserves your seat whether you ride or not. Riders do not receive a refund for missed days. If a rider is planning a vacation, the rider can sublet the seat to a temporary rider from the Rideshare waiting list.
Each Rideshare group should have at least two approved back-up drivers who can take over in the event that the primary driver is unavailable.
The route and schedule for each Rideshare are decided by the group. Some vehicles go door-to-door, but most Rideshares establish one or two convenient pick-up points.