Spokane Transit Board of Directors
STA is overseen by a regional board that provides the policy and legislative direction for Spokane Transit’s CEO, and approves its actions, budgets, and long-term plans. It also has the authority to levy taxes as authorized by state law (with voter approval).
The Board of Directors is composed of nine voting and four non-voting elected officials from Spokane County and cities in the Public Transportation Benefit Area, which include Airway Heights, Cheney, Medical Lake, Millwood, Liberty Lake, Spokane, and Spokane Valley, and a non-voting representative of labor.

Mayor Pamela Haley
Chair of the Board
City of Spokane Valley
10210 East Sprague Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Deputy Mayor Tim Hattenburg
City of Spokane Valley
10210 East Sprague Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99206
Council Member Lili Navarrete
City of Spokane
808 West Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201
Council Member Hank Bynaker
City of Airway Heights
1208 South Lundstrom
Airway Heights, WA 99001
Council Member Dan Dunne
City of Liberty Lake
22710 E. Country Vista Drive
Liberty Lake, WA 99019
Council Member Dan Sander
City of Millwood
9103 E Frederick Avenue
Millwood, WA 99206
Rhonda Bowers
Labor Representative:
c/o Spokane Transit
1230 West Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201
For Board Member correspondence, please contact Dana Infalt, Clerk of the Authority, at (325) 6096.