Planning & Development Committee: Members & Responsibilities

The Planning & Development Committee is accountable for designing and coordinating the Board’s participation in STA strategic and operational planning, including annual budget preparation, in this capacity:

  • Reaching agreement with the Chief Executive Officer on the detailed design of the STA planning and budget development cycle – with special attention to the Board’s role in planning – and on the annual planning calendar, and ensuring that the Board participates fully and proactively in the planning process.
  • Overseeing preparation for, and hosting, any Board of Directors-Chief Executive Officer-Executive Team strategic work sessions that are held as part of the annual planning cycle.
  • Recommending to the Board of Directors the strategic issues that STA’s detailed strategic planning should focus on, and reviewing and recommending to the Board such critical planning products as updated values, vision, and mission statements, operational planning priorities, and other strategic and policy-level planning products that merit Board attention.  
  • Ensuring – as part of the annual operational planning/budget preparation process – that all operational plans include both financial and programmatic performance targets that the Performance Monitoring & External Relations Committee can use in monitoring the operational and financial performance of all STA programs and operating units. Note that the Chief Executive Officer also annually reaches agreement with the Board Operations Committee on detailed high-priority Chief Executive Officer-specific performance targets involving the use of her time, within the framework of the overall STA targets established in the planning process.
  • Approving Scopes of Work for Contracts in excess of the Chief Executive Officer’s authority.
  • Recommending to the Board of Directors award of contracts in excess of the Chief Executive Officer’s authority.
  1. The Board of Directors Chair will nominate the voting chairs and members of the Planning & Development and Performance Monitoring & External Relations Committees to an annual term, subject to Board confirmation.

  2. During every year of appointment as a Director, each Board member shall serve as a voting member of either the Planning & Development Committee or the Performance Monitoring& External Relations Committee, with the exception of the Chair who shall only serve on the Board Operations Committee. No Director shall serve on the Planning & Development and the Performance Monitoring & External Relations Committees at the same time, with the exception of a Director attending a Committee meeting as an alternate pursuant to Section 6 below. This will ensure that each Governing Committee has a “critical mass” of voting Board members and will guard against Board members’ overextension and the dilution of governance.

  3. The Chief Executive Officer is an ex officio, non-voting member of all Board Governing Committees and should whenever feasible attend Committee meetings.

  4. The non-voting labor representative Director shall be nominated by the Board of Directors Chair to serve as an ex officio, non-voting member of either the Planning & DevelopmentCommittee or the Performance Monitoring & External Relations Committee, subject to Board confirmation.

  5. Committee action will be taken by a vote of the eligible voting members. A quorum for the purpose of conducting committee business consists of two voting members. No GoverningCommittee shall have more than four (4) Directors in a voting position. In the event that more than four Directors must be appointed to any Governing Committee in order to satisfy representation requirements set forth in the Bylaws or a Board resolution, the Board, by majority vote of those voting on the motion, shall specify which Director will serve on such committee in an ex officio, non-voting role.

  6. Only Directors or their designated alternate may serve as members of the Planning &Development or Performance Monitoring & External Relations Committees. A designated alternate is the Director’s Board alternate or any other Director from the same jurisdiction.

  7. The Board Governing Committees may create advisory sub-committees consisting of non-Directors to assist them in carrying out their responsibilities.

  8. It is recommended that, to qualify as a Governing Committee chair, a Board member should have served at least a year as an active member of that Committee (after the Committee structure has been in existence for two years).

  9. Board members should make a commitment to attend Committee meetings regularly, be prompt and be prepared.

  10. All matters coming to the full Board should go through the appropriate Governing Committee and be introduced by Committee members. No action items should be introduced directly to the full Board, without having come through the appropriate Board Governing Committee, and all reports to the Board should be made by Governing Committee members (with the sole exceptions of the regular Chief Executive Officer report to the Board and when non-board advisory sub-committee members or staff members present special briefings under the aegis of the Governing Committees).

  11. Committees should meet far enough in advance of the regular Board meeting that Committee recommendations can be prepared in a full and timely fashion for transmittal to the full Board. Committee meetings should never be held in conjunction with the regular Board meeting since this would lead to ritualistic, rather than substantive, Committee sessions.


Council Member Tim Hattenburg .

Tim Hattenburg

Chair of Planning and Development Committee


10210 East Sprague Avenue
Spokane Valley, WA 99206 

A woman with straight, brown hair wearing a white button-up shirt and a beige sweater. She is smiling and facing the camera against a plain white background, exuding the confidence of someone who could easily belong to a board of directors.

Council Member Kitty Klitzke

City of Spokane

808 West Spokane Falls Blvd.
Spokane, WA 99201 

Commissioner Al French.

Commissioner Al French


1116 West Broadway Avenue, Spokane, WA 99260-0100 

Blue silhouette of a generic person icon on a transparent background.

Council Member Lili Navarrete

City of Spokane

808 West Spokane Falls Blvd., Spokane, WA 99201 

A bald man with a short beard and mustache, dressed in a gray suit, light blue shirt, and black tie with white polka dots, smiles at the camera against a white background, exuding confidence as if ready to address the board of directors.

Mayor Chris Grover


City of Cheney

609 Second Street
Cheney, WA 99004 

Portrait of STA Board Member Dan Dunne

Council Member Dan Dunne


City of Liberty Lake

22710 E. Country Vista Drive
Liberty Lake, WA 99019 

Rhonda Bowers.

Rhonda Bowers

Labor Representative:

c/o Spokane Transit

1230 West Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99201

STA's Interim CEO/Chief Planning Officer Karl Otterstrom smiling with arms crossed in a suit with glasses, wearing a tie and a pin, against a gray background.

Karl Otterstrom, Interim Co-CEO


Spokane transit

STA's Interim CEO/Chief Operations Officer Brandon Rapez-Betty in a dark grey suit and green tie, smiling against a gray background.

Brandon Rapez-Betty, Interim Co-CEO


Spokane transit

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