
Plaza Bay 6 Open During Construction

A new bus shelter and rider amenities are being installed at Plaza Bay 6. Riders may continue to use Bay 6 as the bus will stop parallel to the construction fencing on Riverside Avenue.

While station construction is underway at the Plaza, the resurfacing of Riverside Avenue by contractors for the City of Spokane will move westward towards STA Plaza. This project includes the addition of new bike lanes and High Performance Transit (HPT) stations. As a result, some route detours will be required to accommodate the work. Stay updated on how these detours may affect your route by signing up for alerts at

Construction on both projects is anticipated to be completed by November. Weather allowing, STA will then move on to similar work along the Monroe-Regal corridor.

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A map showing The Plaza at the intersection of Riverside Ave., Post St., Sprague Ave., and Wall St. A construction area is marked along Wall St. near Bay 6, which is open. A compass in the top right indicates north.

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