Division Street BRT Timeline

DivisionConnects study begins as collaborative effort between SRTC, WSDOT, City of Spokane and Spokane County
DivisionConnects analysis
DivisionConnects Phase 1 Completed

STA and SRTC selected Division Street Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA)
STA awarded $405,000 grant for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) planning in partnership with City of Spokane and Spokane County

SRTC and partners complete DivisionConnects Phase 2

STA initiates Preliminary Engineering and Scoping phase of Division Street BRT
STA Board of Directors adopts refined LPA, identifying routing to a southern terminus downtown and a northern terminus near Farwell Road and Newport Highway

FTA approves Entry into Project Development Phase which includes
  • Design and Engineering
  • Environmental Review
Continue Design and engineering

Begin utility coordination

Geotechnical investigations

Property acquisitions
2025 (Planned)
Submit Division Street BRT for a Capital Investment Grant (CIG) program rating

Final engineering

Continue utility coordination


Begin negotiating third-party agreements

Right-of-way acquisitions
2026 (Planned)
FTA/PMOC readiness review


Negotiate third-party agreements

Right-of-way acquisitions

FTA Small Starts Grant approval

Initiate Construction Procurements
2027 (Planned)
Construction begins

Bus procurements
2028 (Planned)
Construction continues

Operator hiring & training
2029 (Planned)
Construction complete

Operator hiring & training

Systems implementation and testing
2030 (Planned)
North Spokane Corridor (NSC) connection to Interstate 90 is complete

Begin Revenue Service on Division Street BRT