
Youth 18 and Under Ride Free on Spokane Transit

Youth 18 and younger ride free on all Spokane Transit vehicles all the time. The Spokane Transit Board of Directors approved ‘zero-fare’ for youth 18 and younger in October 2022. This is made possible through annual grant funding STA receives from the State of Washington.

The following are ways for youth to ride free on STA:

  • Rider’s License Connect card – We encourage all youth to get one. They are available online or at Customer Service at STA Plaza.
  • Valid School ID – If a youth has not obtained a free Rider’s License Connect card, they may show a valid school identification card.
  • Just Board – If a youth does not have either a Rider’s License Connect card or valid school identification card, they are still welcome to simply board the bus and ride free.

See our dedicated Zero Fare for Youth page for more information.

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A young woman with long blonde hair wearing a green sleeveless top, and a young man with curly brown hair wearing a maroon sweatshirt sitting together on a bus. The woman is smiling and looking out the window while the man looks straight ahead.

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