Winter Operations

Snow Detours and Alerts

The following routes have pre-determined routes for Winter Operations conditions:

4, 6, 12, 14, 20, 22, 23, 33, 34, 35, 36, 45, 68, 94, 124, 144, 223, 247 & 294.

Snow detours are shown on each route map if a preplanned snow detour has been assigned to the route.

STA will keep riders updated on snow detours and changes as quickly as possible, but customers are also advised to listen to traffic and news reports that may affect their service. General traffic conditions, blocking accidents, or unannounced street closures may have immediate impacts on specific segments of bus routes.


All active alerts describing current detours can be found at STA’s Alerts page.

To receive updates as detours are announced, subscribe to SMS text messaging or e-mail alerts for your particular route.

Text your stop number to 99689 for your next bus arrival times.

REMINDER: It is the property owner’s responsibility to clear the sidewalks of snow and ice where bus stops are present.

People waiting at a snowy bus stop as an STA bus arrives.

Snow Detour Maps

When a route is on a published snow detour, any bus stop location or intersection on the detour may be used as a bus stop. Wave to the driver and the driver will stop if it is safe to do so.