Rideshare, previously called Vanpool, is a convenient way for groups of three or more people to commute together and save money.
A group of people who live or work near each other share an STA vehicle for their commute, and a volunteer from the group drives.
By sharing the ride, you can cut commuting costs, reduce stress, and help the environment.
You can use Rideshare to commute from other towns in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, as long as the journey starts or ends in Spokane Transit’s service boundaries.
How Much Does Rideshare Cost?
The monthly fare is determined based on where your Rideshare starts and ends:
- $60 a month if your commute is within Spokane County
- $80 a month if your commute includes Kootenai or Stevens County
- $100 a month if your commute is in any other county
Fares cover all costs, including fuel, maintenance, 24-hour roadside assistance, insurance, and snow tires.
There is no long-term commitment.
Upon request, active Rideshare participants are entitled to a complimentary Connect card pass for use on any STA bus, anytime!
How to Start a New Rideshare
Start a Rideshare in three steps:
- Find at least three and up to 14 other people who share a similar commute.
- Choose individuals in this group to fill these roles:
- A primary driver
- At least one back-up driver.
- A bookkeeper to submit monthly ridership and payment reports.
- Decide on a proposed route, pick-up points and schedule.
How to Join an Existing Rideshare
If you don’t have enough people to start your own group, use our interactive map to find an existing group with a similar commute.
Frequently Asked Questions
Rideshare drivers are volunteers from the Rideshare group. Each group requires a minimum of two drivers, one primary, and at least one backup. Ideally, multiple drivers can share the duty so the group can have a great, stress-free commute.
Becoming a driver is fairly simple. You will submit a driver’s application, a copy of your driver’s license, and your driving record. We will then review your application, if your record is clean and you meet our driver guidelines, we will assign you an online defensive driving course that takes about an hour and a half to complete. Finally, you’ll agree to our policies and procedures, then be approved to drive off in your cool Rideshare vehicle!
To get started, follow these steps:
1. Complete and submit the following forms:
- Driver’s Application (available online here)
- Rider Agreement (available online here)
2. Request a copy of your driving record:
- For Washington State licensed drivers, request a copy of your driving record through the WA State Department of Licensing’s website.
- For Idaho licensed drivers, we can assist with obtaining your driving record. Please contact Rideshare staff here and move to the next step.
3. Scan or snap a photo of your driver’s license
4. Once you’ve completed these steps, send the documents to rideshare@spokanetransit.com and let us know you’d like to be a driver. We will work through the rest of the process with you by email.
Maintenance is a joint effort between the rideshare group and Spokane Transit. The primary driver completes daily, weekly and monthly inspections and all riders should report anything unusual. Spokane Transit’s Maintenance Department performs the van’s routine preventive service every 4,000 miles and handles emergencies as they arise.
Yes. Many of our Rideshare groups operate on a 4/10 or 9/80 compressed work-week schedule.
Insurance is covered in the monthly fee. Spokane Transit purchases its insurance coverage through the Washington State Transit Insurance Pool (WSTIP).
Payment of the monthly fare reserves your seat whether you ride or not. Riders do not receive a refund for missed days. If a rider is planning a vacation, the rider can sublet the seat to a temporary rider from the Rideshare waiting list.
Each Rideshare group should have at least two approved back-up drivers who can take over in the event that the primary driver is unavailable.
The route and schedule for each Rideshare are decided by the group. Some vehicles go door-to-door, but most Rideshares establish one or two convenient pick-up points.
Have Questions?
If you have any questions about Rideshare service, please contact us.